



Some of the following booklets are in PDF format.  To view them you must have the latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader on your computer.

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by Dr. Curtis Martin

• What is God's plan for getting to Heaven?

• What does a person need to DO to get to Heaven?


What Does the Bible Say About Heaven? (PDF)

by Dr. Curtis Martin


What Does the Bible Say About Separation? (PDF)

by Dr. Curtis Martin

• What does God say about separation?

• How far should Christians take separation?


by Dr. Curtis Martin

• What does the Bible say about church?

• Does it really matter what church I attend?

• How to make the right decision when choosing a church.

• Jesus said, “I will build my church.”  Was He talking about a universal or local church?

• Answers these and other important questions about the church.


Balanced Discipline (PDF)

by Dr. Curtis Martin
Have you been conditioned by the worlds philosophy concerning child discipline.  Dr. Martin gives an excellent and concise presentation on what the Bible says about rearing children.  He discusses the responsibility of parents, and the age old question, "to spank or not spank; what does the Bible say?"


God's Standard for Dress (PDF)

by Dr. Curtis Martin

• What Does God Say About Dress?

• Does It really make a difference what we wear?

• Does it make a difference what we believe?


Christian Education or Public Education: What is Your Choice? (PDF)

by Dr. Curtis Martin


What is the Body of Christ?

by Dr. Curtis Martin


What is a Historic Baptist?

by Dr. Curtis Martin


The Bible The Baptists and The Bride of Christ (PDF)

by Dr. Thomas Cassidy


